(Human and Earth)
A JCC Global program in partnership with JNF/KKL
Based on the successful Amitim1.0 global project, this Hub is a series of 6 webinars, each one 1.5 hours long, together with JCC leaders and Jewish activists up to 35 years old, from around the globe.
The Hubs are communities of practice that provide a platform for ongoing training, collaborative learning, sharing best practices, problem-solving, intellectual enrichment, and inspiration.
A series of 5 webinars, each one 1.5 hours long, with reflection and action
Starting: Thursday, May 26, 2022, at 18:00 Israel time, 11:00 am New York time
End date: Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. NY time/ 6:00 p.m. Israel time
Language: English, with simultaneous translation to Russian and Spanish upon request
Target Audience: Young Jewish adult JCC professionals/Jewish activists up to 35 years old
Hub scholar: Jewish educator and nature and conservation writer, Ilana Stein, from Johannesburg, South Africa.
Our environment is in crisis, where the planet’s resources and its fragile ecosystems are under threat. Environmental education aims at transforming attitudes, from one of consumption to concern for the environment. But it is not enough to change one’s mind. One must change one’s actions in order to heal entire communities and the world.
The aim of this program is to bring together young professionals and activists from JCCs, Jewish communities and JNF chapters, the world over, into one virtual space, and through a variety of mediums – text, talk and practice – ignite wonder and inspiration, not only from a human point of view but a Jewish one.
Thus, we envision, a global Jewish movement that promotes the values of sustainability and Judaism.
Connect young Jewish professionals and activists from all over the world to each other, to their communities, and to the planet
Explore the relationship between Jewish values and sustainability
Foster a sense of Tikkun Olam – an ability to make a difference one act at a time, one individual at a time, one community at a time
Create a knowledgeable base of young Jews who can take what they’ve learned and serve as advocates for this worthy cause in their communities; their local JCCs and JNF chapters.
Cost: $100 per person, $200 per JCC sending up to 3 participants. For communities in need, subsidies will be available upon request.
Outline of the virtual meetings:
1. May 26, 2022, 11:00 a.m. NY/ 6:00 p.m. Israel
Climate crisis vs. Garden of Eden with Ilana Stein, Hub scholar
Opening greetings: JNF and JCC Global representatives.
The session will open with getting to know the participants followed by a presentation and discussion, framing the Hub and raising the main themes.
Follow Up Action: Urban jungle walk– stop and smell the roses!
2. June 9, 2022, 11:00 a.m. NY/ 6:00 p.m. Israel
Shmita and ethical consumerism with Nigel Savage, founder of Hazon
Understand the philosophical and ethical concepts related to Shmita and how can they play a role in the real world.
Follow Up Action: My Shmita commitment
3. June 16, 2022, 11:00 a.m. NY/ 6:00 p.m. Israel
Environmental values- the three Rs - a session with renowned artist and environmental activist Tal Tenne Czackes.
A session with renowned artist and environmental activist Tal Tenne Czackes. Learn about the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and the concept of Bal Tashchit (do not damage) in an experiential manner.
Follow Up Action: Create a daily life map
4. June 23, 2022, 11:00 a.m. NY/ 6:00 p.m. Israel
Tikkun Olam - How do we change communities?
A session with community leaders to explore how they incorporate the values of sustainability into Jewish institutions, highlighting the unique approach of the Boulder JCC in Colorado and the work of Rabbi Joshua Ratner.
Follow Up Action: A 360 on the local community
5. June 30, 2022, 11:00 a.m. NY/ 6:00 p.m. Israel
Noah’s Ark: our responsibilities to animals.
Explore what Judaism has to say about the treatment of animals and how do we come to terms with the harsh realities of animal treatment today.
Follow Up Action: One Mitzvah a week
The world around us, what’s next? Adam- Adamah (human and earth) wrap up session
A fresh look at some of the cutting-edge JNF programs that focus on conservation followed by ways in which global collaboration can help advance these worthy values.
Follow Up Action: Commitment time capsule