Better Together - A virtual Hub for Russian speaking JCC leaders
A series of 5 virtual sessions, each 1.5 hours long.
Better Together Hub will continue the online series of meetings with leading thought leaders and practitioners in the field, in order to support Russian speaking JCC Executive Directors as they lead their communities in times of change.
The program is a partnership of JCC Global and JDC.
A series of 5 virtual webinars, each one 1.5 hours long.
May 13- June – July 8, 2021
Sessions will take place every two weeks on Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. Israel time with a one-time 5:00 p.m. opening session.
Language: Russian
Target Audience: Executive Directors of JCCs
Support and strengthen JCCs during times of major change
Enrich the directors with new concepts and ideas
Offer practical tools for programming, management and strategy
Develop a Russian speaking JCC network and support group to help each other
Program Description:
Don’t ask permission, beg for forgiveness. Pandemics, a year later: mistakes we made and opportunities we missed. An interactive presentation with Alex Budnitsky, Executive Director, Marks JCH of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY. Alex
May 13, 2021, 5:00 p.m. Israel time
2. Summer is here…- In-house workshop on how JCCs are getting ready for the summer programs, adjusting to the new normal. A peer-led session with best practices from around the region.
May 27 ,2021, 12:00 p.m. Israel time
3. From a crowd to a community- Presenting the Community Building Index designed by the Israel Association of Community Centers with Boris Zaslavsky, followed by a discussion on how the model can be adapted to FSU with Marina Rosner, Executive Director, Ma’alot Community Center.
June 10 ,2021, 12:00 p.m. Israel time
4. Online tools to master and even enjoy- Zoom, Mural, Trello, Asana, Padlet, Artsteps, etc. Guest speaker: To be determined.
June 24 ,2021, 12:00 p.m. Israel time
5. Building virtual communities- An interactive presentation with Lena Rosovsky, scholar, journalist, trendsetter, and leader of several successful online communities followed by a summary of Hub.
July 8 ,2021, 12:00 p.m. Israel time