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Update on JCCs in Ukraine #3
Dear Friends, While the tragic war is still raging, there has been a tremendous outpouring of financial, social, emotional, and medical...
Update on JCCs in Ukraine #2
Dear Friends, Last night, more than 300 JCC and Jewish leaders from 17 countries and more than 100 JCCs and Jewish communities gathered...
Update on JCCs in Ukraine and call for action
Dear Friends, All eyes are on Ukraine and we thank those of you who have shown care and concern for our many friends there. Ukraine is...
New Year, New Hubs!
Registration is now open to 3 new Dr. Mark Ramer JCC Global Hubs that will open in March 2022 Adam-Adamah (Human and Earth) Hub In...
In one week - 2926 JCC participants attend 18 global events
“Each one is a small light and together we are steadfast” JCCs joining Global Hanukkah Programs Thirty-eight Jewish Community Centers...
New JCC in Sydney, Australia and 17 more!
More than 30 representatives building or rebuilding new JCCs in 18 (Chai) cities and 13 (!) countries joined the Dr. Mark Ramer JCC...
Five NEW and one 100 years old
What’s new at JCC Global? 2 new Hubs, 2 new collaborations, 1 partner organization celebrating 100, 1 New Year NEW! The Dr. Mark Ramer...
The Global Impact of Jewish Peoplehood Grants
In December 2020, JCC Global partnered with the Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto and several other organizations to produce the Z3 event:...
Register to JCC Global Hubs starting in October
A new Dr. Mark Ramer JCC Global Hub for Emerging JCCs, in partnership with ECJC Save your spot at this one-of-a-kind Hub with presenters...
Let Jewish Majorca take you on a (virtual) journey through time and space as we learn about Jewish
Are you looking to explore Jewish communities around the world? Jewish Majorca invites you to get on their Hot Air Zoom Balloon to meet...
JCC Krakow Leading Global Initiatives
Holocaust Survivor Day In March 2021, Holocaust scholar Michael Berenbaum and JCC Krakow Executive Director Jonathan Ornstein published...
CDI Mexico’s Outstanding Global Connections
Mark Ramer Chesed Center opens in Long Island, New York Inspired by a visit to CDI Mexico, the Ramer family opened on May 23rd, a unique...
All in one: Morocco, Manhattan, Mexico, Krakow, Prague and Zaporizhia
Join a virtual tour of Moroccan Multiculturalism May 11 JCC Global is honored to collaborate with the Marlene Meyerson JCC in Manhattan...
A new Dr. Mark Ramer JCC Global Hub - A Global Tapestry of Culture, Arts and Community Building
Save your spot at this one-of-a-kind Hub with presenters from ALL around the world and JCC peers looking to build Jewish communities...
JCC Association invites global JCCs to join these April offerings:
JCC staff registration to the ProCon online conference for staff outside North America and Israel ProCon, April 27-29, 2021. The...
The Community Index launched in Israel and more…
The DR. Mark Ramer JCC Global Hub: A Global Tapestry of Culture, Arts and Community Building will start on May 4, 2021 Save your spot at...
A Global Tapestry of Culture, Arts and Community Building
The DR. Mark Ramer JCC Global Hub A Global Tapestry of Culture, Arts and Community Building A series of 7 virtual sessions, each 1.5...
JCC Dance Troupes invited to Aviv Festival- submit on February 15
CDI Mexico’s Aviv Dance Festival - one of the largest and most successful Jewish dance festivals in the world- will take place online...
JCC Global Kol Isha event for International Women’s Day and much more
You are welcome to join JCC Global Kol Isha event marking International Women's Day 2021 As part of JCC Global’s Kol Isha program, an...
See who won the Z3 grants and catch up with some of the Z3 worldwide events
At the closing of the outstanding Z3 event: Visions of a Shared Future we would like to congratulate the winning JCCs: These seven...
Blog: Blog2
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