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Imagine the Future of JCCs

JCC Global

1st session, July 21st: Design Future Scenarios based on an Oxford University model

More than 40 Participants from 14 Countries at the 1st session of Resource Development for JCCs Hub

How do we make JCCs stand out when seeking donations? How do we create a culture of philanthropy in our organizations? How do we monetize online programming? These are some of the questions posed by 40 JCC senior leaders from 14 countries and 21 Jewish communities who are participating in the Dr. Mark Ramer JCC Global Resource Development Hub. At the opening session Andres Spokoiny, President and CEO of the Jewish Funders Network described in an eloquent manner the main trends in Jewish philanthropy in recent years. He then provided succinct insights on the effect of COVID 19 on philanthropy and suggested ways for JCCs to rethink their future. He called JCCs to seriously explore collaborations and partnerships. Donors today are not looking to fund programs, but rather to solve problems, Andres concluded and urged JCCs to show donors in what way they are moving the needle. Future sessions will cover different aspects of resource development from meetings with donors and foundations to sharing best practices and innovative thinking in a safe and engaging atmosphere.


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