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In response to the Earthquake

JCC Global

“Whoever saves a single life is considered by scripture to have saved the whole world”, Talmud (Sanhedrin 37a.)

In the wake of the horrible earthquake that killed thousands of lives and shattered those of tens of thousands in Turkey and Syria, we send our deep condolences and hopes for healing and recovery. Our friends at the JCCs and the Jewish Community of Turkey, in Istanbul and Izmir, were quick to mobilize humanitarian efforts to all Turkish citizens. They were thankful for the care and concern of so many of you.

The 2500 years old small Jewish community of Antakya was seriously affected. The head of the community, Saul Cenudioglu, and his wife, Fortuna, are still missing. A handful of other families spent the night in the synagogue that has been damaged and have been evacuated to Istanbul and are under the care of the Jewish community.

We are in close contact with our friends and colleagues sending them strength and support. They said they will get back to us if they will need any help.

JCC staff team

In the photo: Torah scrolls being saved from the Antakya synagogue


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