Registration is now open
The Dr. Mark Ramer JCC Global Resource Development for JCCs Hub will first and foremost focus on ways in which JCCs can continue their resource development efforts during and after recent weeks and months. In addition, it will provide building blocks for a resource development strategy equipped to tackle future trends and strengthen the sustainability of each and every JCC.
JCC Global Needs and Services Survey

Offering a training Hub in Resource Development was the no. 1 need that JCCs requested from JCC Global as per a global survey that was conducted by Dr. Ezra Kopelowitz. Next in line were: a Hub on reimagining the JCC, providing Jewish Peoplehood content for online local programming and providing access to resources and activities that JCCs can utilize during this time.
95% of respondents reported that they are currently offering online programming to various age groups, 61% also offer face to face services to seniors and other at-risk populations. 47% received additional financial aid from donors, 44% from fundraising efforts within the local community and 32% from government or local authorities. 59% are in the early stages of planning the reopening of the JCC. As for the summer, 57% are planning summer programs and from that group, 85% are planning programs that will combine face to face programs with online programs.
The survey was sent to 166 Executive Directors and senior lay leaders and had a 36% response rate representing 52 JCCs from 49 cities. This information, together with more elaborate responses will help JCC Global design its strategy for the reminder of 2020. We would like to thank Dr. Ezra Kopelowitz for conducting the survey pro bono.
Join JCC Global hour during the
Paul Feig z”l Tikkun Leil Shavuot 2020/5780
hosted by the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan
May 28-29, 2020
May 29: 12 am NY time/ 7 am Israel time.
Facilitated by Smadar Bar-Akiva, the program will feature JCC Global Fellows: Monica Kibrit from Mexico City, Jonathan Ornstein from Krakow and Nissim Pingle from Mumbai- discussing the Jewish value of Kol Israel Arevim Ze Baze- all of Israel are responsible for each other.
The entire program will run all night. Come together with people from across the spectrum of Jewish life for a revelatory night of study, film, music, and more in celebration of Shavuot. Bring your own cheesecake and come for an hour or stay the night!
Register for free here and attend the Facebook event
Makom - your very own Shavuot online resource center
Beit Avi Chai welcomes you to Makom - your very own virtual Shavuot online resource center. The goal is to provide you with a wide choice of classes and educators to choose from, complemented by an array of supplementary educational tools so that you can prepare, study and have the needed tools to lead your own study program at home on Shavuot night.
Visit Makom- Beit Avichai website and attend and share the Facebook Event
ZWST Germany skilfully adapting programs in times of Covid-19
In the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, JCC Global’s member organization, ZWST (Central Welfare Board of Jews in Germany) has fully adapted its programming to the needs of the community.
Digital innovation and prevention of online hate crimes
Many of the regular activities that ZWST offers to more than 100 Jewish communities across Germany were immediately transferred to the online sphere. These programs enjoyed a high demand and helped the members cope with social distancing and loneliness. Unfortunately, this also brought increased attention of the online hate crime phenomenon of Zoom bombing. With the support of ADL, ZWST was able to publish Zoom bombing prevention guidelines.
ZWST has launched a solidarity campaign for the Jewish Community of Italy. Over the past decade, ZWST has built strong ties with the Jewish community in Italy. The majority of summer and winter youth camps had taken place in the regions of South Tyrol and Emilia Romagna. Thousands of children and youth have been welcomed in the communities of Florence, Rome, Milan and Venice. In addition to many personal contacts, institutional ties were successfully established.
This year, for the first time in more than 40 years, it won’t be possible to hold these summer camps in Italy, as the country has been among the most affected in Europe. Thus, as an act of Jewish and European solidarity, ZWST, in collaboration with their long-standing partner, JDC, launched a solidarity fundraiser: #help4italy
ZWST encourages raising donations that will be distributed among individuals in need from the Jewish communities in Italy via the JDC emergency fund. A small contribution can make a change.
The show must go on: summer camps in Bad Soberheim
With Germany’s return to the new normal, ZWST is happy to announce that it will be able to offer a wide variety of Summer Camps to the young members of the community.
For more information, you can write an email to;
Attention: Laura Cazes.
A new JCC is born! JCC Global is excited to welcome a new JCC to the family.
The Brighton and Hove Jewish Community (BNJC) is a new initiative in the UK to revive the Jewish community in Brighton and Hove, and to build an outstanding asset for the local community, Jewish and non-Jewish alike. The initiators are looking to engage the community far and wide, religious and non-religious, old and young, by creating state of the art facilities and hosting a variety of social, cultural and educational events. They plan to collaborate creatively with local and national organizations to build an inclusive, diverse and vibrant community. They want to put Brighton on the Jewish map, and the Jewish community on Brighton’s map.
They already operate via a virtual presence and in 2022 will have a physical presence centered at 29-31 New Church Road, which, once redeveloped, will be a major resource for the whole of Brighton and Hove.
The construction has started and continues even during the pandemic. You can see some photos by clicking this link. In the future, the site will host a new synagogue and Mikvah; Kosher Café, restaurant and deli; a co-working space; social space for events and programming; education facilities including a nursery; and residential accommodation.
For more information, you are welcome to contact: Mr. Ashley Woolfe at;
JCC Global joined hundreds of
Israeli civil society organizations
in solidarity with world Jewry

The Peoplehood Coalition is a professional network of approximately 400 Israeli leaders from 150 organizations. It works together and independently to promote Israel’s sense of connection to the Jewish collective based on mutual responsibility.
Read the message of solidarity here.
COVID-19 Solutions is bringing Israel and the Jewish world together to share challenges and solutions during the coronavirus. The platform is also hosting a series of webinars to share innovative projects and technologies that can provide individuals and communities with ideas and opportunities as they work to adapt to this crisis. Visit website here and follow the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
Happy Shavuot!
חג שבועות שמח!